This is the last day to make payments that were due February 15th and not get a late payment fee. Also if you still owe from February 1st get them in so you can access BakPak- lots of fun things coming up!! Southern Utah University (SUU) in Cedar City is hosting another overnight campus tour on March 7 & 8. This is a great opportunity to see the SUU campus and participate in some campus activities. Lodging, meals & transportation are provided by SUU. Register soon if you would like to participate. Copy and past this link to register:


Advanced English Skills 6.4M

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 13
  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2025

About This Course

Analysis and Evaluation — Course Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to say:

I can...

I can respond critically to information and ideas presented in a variety of professional, academic, and informational texts, or

represented in various forms of art, literature, or events.

explain the difference between analyzing and evaluating

describe the basic steps of writing a review

summarize and describe the topic of a work for a review

analyze and ask critical questions about a work in order to write a review/analysis of it

articulate the difference between effective and ineffective evaluation

evaluate different art forms based on their effectiveness, and not just on my initial instinct

write a review of a movie, song, book, poem, location, or local event

Course Instructor

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Analysis and Evaluation
Lesson 2 - Summarizing and Describing
Lesson 4 - Analysis Part 2
Lesson 5 - Evaluation
Final Block Test