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Applied English Grammar 6.2Nb

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 19
  • Last Updated Jan 31, 2025

About This Course

Level 6 Applied English Grammar Expectations

Applied English Grammar is a classthat functions like the grammar classes of levels 1-5. In this class

you will learn about specific academic principles of English grammar and how to apply these

principles to your everyday and academic use of English. We will focus on several different writing

and oral presentation types to help you best apply the grammar principles you learn. You will also

learn the skills that you will need to succeed in your career or in your further university education.

These skills are:

1. Critical Thinking

2. Speaking and Oral Communication

3. Interpersonal Communication

4. Listening

5. Problem Solving

6. Writing and Speaking in English Accurately

7. Collaboration and Teamwork

8. Writing and Written Communication

9. Reading Comprehension in English

10. Creativity and Innovation

When in class, you are expected to follow the posted rules for attendance and participation.

Additionally, you are expected to follow these policies:

Complete each of the six sections of the course (vocabulary, writing assignment, quizzes, lessons,

grammar reviews, and block tests) every block.

Various sections of the course are weighted differently. Pay attention to how each section is graded.

Complete most assignments during class time. You are expected to complete any assignments

that are not completed in class.

If you are absent, you are required to make up any missing assignments.

Although class work should be submitted everyday, you will have until testing day to have all

grammar assignments completed.

Modals — Course Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to say:

I can...

  • demonstrate knowledge of any given word from the list of vocabulary for this block in terms of both meaning and use
  • use modals of certainty to express varying degrees of certainty or uncertainty about a topic
  • express continuous or repeated actions in the past using used to or would
  • ask or respond to questions requesting preference for one of two given options, using would rather
  • use modal verbs to express general and specific abilities in past, present, and future time
  • include at least 5 of the modals learned about in class in a series of 10 simulated texts between a group of friends trying
  • to meet up to do an activity
  • write a short paragraph using at least 4 modals of certainty to explain why one person is innocent of a crime and the
  • other is guilty, based on testimony given by witnesses
  • write a short paragraph describing current personal abilities that did not exist in the past

Course Instructor

Team member
Isaiah Rubio


Lesson 1: Modals of Certainty: Present Tense
Lesson 2: Modals of Certainty: Past & Future Tense
Lesson 3: Modals of Certainty: Progressive Tense
Lesson 4: Describing a Repeated or Continuous Action in the Past
Lesson 5: Expressing Preference
Lesson 6: Modals of Ability
Lesson 7: Block Test Review
Final Block Test