Payments due on the 15th will have a late fee added on the 18th


GRE/GMAT Math 7.2N

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 8
  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

This course is meant for you to get the assistance you need from a tutor. Attendance is mandatory, but students may study what will help them most. We hope you make the most of it and will ask the tutor to cover the block's topic if that's something you could use or that you will ask whatever questions you may have.

Also, you will complete each Reflection assignment according the the directions given. You MUST submit your reflection assignments no later than 10 PM on the assigned days. Late submissions will result in a 25% reduction in your grade. Suggested Materials: computer/tablet notebook pen or pencil GRE/GMAT Prep Book

Course Instructor

Team member
Ken Herbert


Team member
Bryce Evans
