Free UVU Basketball tickets available for this Saturday, February 8, 2:00 pm game. Please see Guadalupe at the front desk for tickets if you would like to go to the game. Family and friends welcome. First come, first served.


Integrated Skills 1.3

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  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2025

About This Course

Unit Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can spell and pronounce words for numbers.

•I can recognize spoken numbers.

•I can write a check.

•I can purchase an item at a store.

•I can spell words orally.

•I can ask and answer requests for personal information.

•I can fill out a registration form.

•I can write a simple paragraph.

•I can write and pronounce the words for things found in a classroom.

•I can follow simple classroom commands.

•I can use in and on to describe location.

•I can ask for information in the classroom.

•I can use polite expressions in conversation.

•I can identify common places found in a city.

•I can use prepositions to describe the location of places around town.

•I can listen for and write information about places around town.

•I can fill out a deposit slip using information from a reading passage.

•I can fill out an application for a library card.

•I can have a conversation in a store.

Course Objectives & Vocabulary
Final Project: My Favorite Place
Lesson 1: Days, Seasons and Months
Lesson 2: Time
Lesson 4: Countries & Continents
Lesson Reviews