ALL students need to renew any online requests. They will be decided student by student. Remember, if you are a student that is out of the country or an Alliance students have online permission but we need to have verification that you are out of the country. Please take care of this immediately by email so we have record of your request. If you do not verify you will be expected to have arrived in country and need to be at the school for classes.


Integrated Skills 1.6M

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 14
  • Last Updated Nov 15, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions.

•I can read and retell a story.

•I can prepare to write a short story.

•I can read short stories and write answers in complete sentences about what happened.

•I can describe a favorite family member in writing.

•I can give a short oral presentation about a personal memory.

•I can ask simple past tense questions with BE.

•I can describe a person from my past in writing.

•I can rewrite a poem in story form.

•I can read conversations about past activities and answer comprehension questions.

•I can ask and answer basic questions about the past.

•I can use time words with simple past tense.

•I can read a short story and answer comprehension questions.

•I can speak about a friend from my past.

•I can identify simple past tense verbs in a reading passage.

•I can write a short message to a long-lost friend.

Course Instructor

Course Overview
Final Project: A Children's Story
Lesson 1: Children's Stories
Lesson 2: Memories of Home
Lesson 3: School Memories
Lesson 5: Friends
Lesson Reviews