This is the last day to make payments that were due February 15th and not get a late payment fee. Also if you still owe from February 1st get them in so you can access BakPak- lots of fun things coming up!! Southern Utah University (SUU) in Cedar City is hosting another overnight campus tour on March 7 & 8. This is a great opportunity to see the SUU campus and participate in some campus activities. Lodging, meals & transportation are provided by SUU. Register soon if you would like to participate. Copy and past this link to register:


Integrated Skills 3.7

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  • Last Updated Dec 13, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can combine ideas into complete sentences using coordinating conjunctions.

•I can listen for main ideas and details in a short listening passage.

•I can write a short paragraph expressing an opinion.

•I can read an informative article, answer comprehension questions, and give advice based on the information in the passage.

•I can share a personal story about a problem with a house.

•I can draw conclusions from a listening passage.

•I can role play a conversation with a repair person.

•I can read a short informative article and share an opinion about the information.

•I can identify the abbreviations used in job ads.

•I can express preferences in relation to a partner’s response.

•I can read a text and organize the information for writing.

•I can read and take notes on a passage and teach the information to a group.

•I can listen to a radio report and identify main ideas.

•I can compare and contrast the qualities of a good employee and a bad employee.

•I can complete a form by listening for key information in a conversation.

•I can fill out an application with personal information.

•I can participate in a mock job interview.