Payments due on the 15th will have a late fee added on the 18th


Integrated Skills 4.2N

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 18
  • Last Updated Sep 10, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can give an oral presentation comparing and contrasting two natural


•I can listen to a news report and identify main ideas.

•I can identify and write topic sentences.

•I can participate in group discussions.

•I can identify sentences that don’t support the main idea.

•I can use transitions of comparison and contrast.

•I can identify main ideas from a reading passage and write them in my

own words.

•I can give a short presentation on emergency preparedness.

•I can identify meaning from context.

•I can summarize a reading passage.

•I can listen to commentary and answer questions about the main ideas.

•I can speak and write about my ideas.

•I can conduct an interview and write a news article.

Course Instructor

Team member
Marisa Nish
