Thanksgiving Dinner Potluck Activity, Thursday, November 14! 12:30 pm for morning classes/6:00 pm for evening classes. This is a test day, so make sure you are here for your tests. We will have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner provided by the school, with "POTLUCK" sides. Bring something to share--it can be a food from your country. TOEFL Practice exam - Friday, November 15 at 9:30 am. Registration and payment deadline: Tuesday, November 12. Payment of $65 to Trina or at the front desk to Guadalupe in the evening.


Integrated Skills 4.6N

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  • 23
  • Last Updated Nov 14, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can write original sentences using vocabulary words.

•I can give a short presentation about the definition of a hero.

•I can prepare a well-organized oral presentation.

•I can read a passage and answer comprehension questions.

•I can write a well-organized response to a writing prompt.

•I can organize a reading passage into a mini-presentation.

•I can evaluate presentations.

•I can write a story from song lyrics.

•I can listen to a radio program and answer comprehension questions.

•I can use vocabulary words to describe people I know and admire.

•I can write a well-organized paragraph about a hero in my personal life.

•I can share my opinion about information in a reading passage and

make a decision in a group.

Course Instructor