NOTICE-- today is the last day for payment without a late fee for payments due on 12/1/24 FALL COLLEGE FAIR - Thursday, December 5th 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Daytime ONLINE STUDENTS, please sign in using the following link at 12:00 for the college fair: Night Students are encouraged to attend the College Fair in person from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Please sign in at the reception desk so you get attendance, and submit the assignment for your elective class that day. If you attend the Fair in person you will not need to come to your 5:00 pm class that night, just arrive by 6:00 pm. If you cannot attend in person, you will be required to attend your 5:00 pm class at night.


Integrated Skills 5.7N

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 12
  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024

About This Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you will be able to say. . .

•I can discuss elements of culture.

•I can identify stages of culture shock.

•I can write a personal letter.

•I can determine the audience and purpose of a presentation.

•I can give an organized response to a speaking prompt.

•I can write a well-organized essay based on a reading passage.

•I can make inferences from short reading passages.

•I can read a passage and answer vocabulary and comprehension questions.

•I can identify a commentator’s opinion on an issue.

•I can define words from context.

•I can answer advanced-level reading comprehension questions.

•I can share opinions with a group.

•I can understand how to make effective presentation visuals.

•I can listen to a commentary and answer comprehension questions.

•I can define vocabulary words from context.

•I can discuss issues related to the globalization of travel.

Course Instructor

Course Overview
Lesson 1: Culture Shock
Lesson 2: Food and Culture
Lesson 3: Avoiding Culture Clash
Lesson 4: Ancient Sites
Lesson 5: Globalization and Ecotourism
Unit 7 Lesson Reviews