NOTICE-- today is the last day for payment without a late fee for payments due on 12/1/24 FALL COLLEGE FAIR - Thursday, December 5th 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Daytime ONLINE STUDENTS, please sign in using the following link at 12:00 for the college fair: Night Students are encouraged to attend the College Fair in person from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Please sign in at the reception desk so you get attendance, and submit the assignment for your elective class that day. If you attend the Fair in person you will not need to come to your 5:00 pm class that night, just arrive by 6:00 pm. If you cannot attend in person, you will be required to attend your 5:00 pm class at night.


Placement Test

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  • 1
  • Last Updated Nov 22, 2024

About This Course

About the Test

Welcome to the Native English Placement Test!

This test is made of six "testlets," or small tests. Each testlet measures how well you know English grammar and how well you understand what you read. Depending on  your level, you will be given between two and four testlets. The test will stop when your level has been determined.

Course Instructor