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  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2024

About This Course

Listening Strategies — Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to say:

I can...

Describe the format and directions for the listening section of the


Identify each of the question formats

Describe common answer traps

Describe the different question types

Understand TOEFL Listening section lecture organization

List types of Lecture passages in the TOEFL Listening section

Understand TOEFL Listening section conversation organization

List types of Conversation passages in the TOEFL Listening section

Take effective notes that will help me answer questions in the TOEFL

listening section

Identify Main Idea questions

Apply proper strategies to correctly answer Main Idea questions

Identify General Purpose questions

Apply proper strategies to correctly answer General Purpose


Identify Organization questions

Apply proper strategies to correctly answer Organization questions

Identify Detail questions

Apply proper strategies to correctly answer Detail questions

Identify Inference questions

Apply proper strategies to correctly answer Inference questions

Find and use online TOEFL Listening resources

Make a study plan for continued TOEFL listening practice

Course Objectives
Lesson 1— Listening Section Basics & Practice
Lesson 2—Listening and Note- Taking Strategies
Lesson 3— Main Idea, General Purpose, and Detail Questions
Lesson 4—Detail and Inference Questions
Lesson 5—Listening Resources
Lesson 6—Practice Listenings
Lesson 7—Practice Tests
Final Block Test