NOTICE-- today is the last day for payment without a late fee for payments due on 12/1/24 FALL COLLEGE FAIR - Thursday, December 5th 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Daytime ONLINE STUDENTS, please sign in using the following link at 12:00 for the college fair: Night Students are encouraged to attend the College Fair in person from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Please sign in at the reception desk so you get attendance, and submit the assignment for your elective class that day. If you attend the Fair in person you will not need to come to your 5:00 pm class that night, just arrive by 6:00 pm. If you cannot attend in person, you will be required to attend your 5:00 pm class at night.



  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 16
  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2024

About This Course

Listening Strategies 2—Objectives

At the end of this block, you will be able to say:

I can...

Describe the format and directions for the listening section of the


List the types of listening passages

Identify each of the question formats

Identify common answer traps

Identify question types

Take notes using self-selected strategies

Distinguish between essential and nonessential information

Ignore distractions caused by natural speech (pauses, hesitations,

false starts)

Identify Function and Attitude questions

Apply appropriate strategies to find the correct answers for Function

and Attitude questions

Identify Organization and Relationship Questions

Apply appropriate strategies to find the correct answers for

Organization and Relationship Questions

Find TOEFL listening practices online

Accurately gauge progress in my TOEFL listening skills

Complete practice TOEFL listenings

Identify Function, Attitude, Relationship, and Organization questions

and describe associated strategies

Course Instructor

Course Overview
Lesson 1 — Listening Section Basics & Practice
Lesson 2 — Listening and Note- Taking Strategies
Lesson 3 — Function and Attitude Questions
Lesson 4 — Purpose, Method, and Relationship Questions
Lesson 5—Listening Strategies Resource Reflection
Final Block Test
College Fair