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Winter 3 Intermediate (2M) Practical Writing

  • 0 (0 Rating)
  • 8
  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2025

About This Course

Reading Workshop — Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to say:

I can...

determine central ideas in narrative texts by skimming and can analyze the

development of those ideas

identify a narrative text

identify elements of a narrative text, including setting, characters, conflict,

climax, and resolution

identify action and transition words that are used in the development of a


understand narrative texts at my level with comprehension

paraphrase a narrative text

use a flow map to understand and summarize narrative texts

identify the sequence of events in a narrative text and put them into a flow map

summarize a narrative text from notes in the flow map

Course Instructor

Course Overview
Valentine's Day — Lesson 1
Valentine's Day — Lesson 2
Valentine's Day — Final Project