This is the last day to make payments that were due February 15th and not get a late payment fee. Also if you still owe from February 1st get them in so you can access BakPak- lots of fun things coming up!! Southern Utah University (SUU) in Cedar City is hosting another overnight campus tour on March 7 & 8. This is a great opportunity to see the SUU campus and participate in some campus activities. Lodging, meals & transportation are provided by SUU. Register soon if you would like to participate. Copy and past this link to register:


Work Study W4_25

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  • 2
  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2025

About This Course

Your Work-Study program consists of three parts:

Teaching ESL courses

Growing your English knowledge

Maintaining your International Student Status

The Work-Study program means that you work while you study

English. In the Work-Study course you will need to:

Write a reflection of what you did each week.

Write about any questions or difficulties you experienced in your teaching or coursework, and the steps you took to resolve those questions or difficulties during the week.

Record any research you do or resources you use.

Complete one DIEP course each semester.

Course Instructor